Kitchen, Cabinet & Furniture Makers

Design Tips

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Kitchen design ideas

Kitchen planning ideas

Design: Bespoke Coffee and Tea Stations

Coffee and tea stations, be they big or small, are wonderful areas in a kitchen to organise. There are many different ways to incorporate a coffee station into your space, however, the main things to consider are a cold shelf (easy to wipe), different height shelving and the right doors for functionality and impact. Here are some examples of how you can incorporate your very own into your kitchen space.

A corner cupboard on the worktop works well for a coffee/tea station as it’s right in the mix of the “action”, within easy reach and a way to maximise the use of space. Combine it with bi-fold or pocket doors for maximum functionality. 

A stand-alone coffee and tea station is a real statement piece of furniture and also a social hub for entertaining. By making it an individual unit you can create a bigger space where your larger coffee machines and kettle can work their magic without taking away from anything else in the space. Display your cups and saucers on open shelves above the main piece of storage and make it flow with the rest of the interior space by using design elements such as colour and worktop that’s similar to your kitchen space. 

Make the coffee and tea station a part of your main larder, dedicating shelves to the machines and ingredients. By incorporating a cold shelf for easy wiping and shelves of different heights you can make sure that the space is used sufficiently. In addition, think about the doors you use and make sure they are not in the way when in use.